Tuesday, November 07, 2006

From the Weekly Standard

That's right, I read the Weekly Standard.

I have to admit, Fred Barnes, although a bright guy, disappoints me when he calls for more tax cuts, knowing that the country is going bankrupt. I've learned to lower my expectations.

The real substance of this article is Mr. Barnes take on immigration reform. He believes that the GOP could have hammered out a plan, coupling additional border security with a guest worker program AND a plan for illegal immigrants in the U.S. to "earn" citizenship.

Alas, it was not to be. As Mr. Barnes notes, "In the end, Republicans raised the immigration issue, touted it as a national crisis, stirred the nation's interest, then failed to come to grips with it." Although he does not state it directly, Barnes suggests that, in the end, stirring nativist hysteria will not serve the GOP well when the polls close tonight.

I can only hope he's correct.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"In the end, Republicans raised the immigration issue, touted it as a national crisis, stirred the nation's interest, then failed to come to grips with it." --- Not only that, but it is the racist means by which they stirred the pot:

"Don't you know all Mexicans want to get your kids on drugs and rape your daughters?"

Although not a direct quote, I've collected plenty of direct quotes much worse than the one I paraphrased.

No one in the Republican Party, my former party--I am now an Independent--ever dennounced their support of that bunch of lunatic led by Chris Simcox.

I was hopping their support of the Minuteman Cowboys would backfire and it did.

Doug Bower
GTO, Mexico