Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Unchanging Nature of Men

As promised, I'm going to give an overview of the issues that I encountered during the week. Several of you have written asking about the "Unchanging Nature of Men" group luncheon of last Wednesday. Well, this is a much what we would call a chiste (joke) in Mexico. The "platform"of the group reads:
The Unchanging men's group was created to celebrate the unchanging nature of men. We as a group do not flower or evolve as much as women do. We tend to find things that we like and stick to them, Ex-wives included. We like to think of this as being stable and consistent.
The Unchanging men's group supports the following planks in our platform. They are:

  1. The destruction of all toilet seat covers that can cause bladder distress and extreme shock to men when the seat falls down, or back problems trying to hold the toilet seat up.
  2. The continued complete control of all remote controls by men.
  3. The Encouraging of women to lift the toilet seat when they are finished.
  4. The halting of all garage conversations unless they (garages) are converted into a micro brewery.
  5. The right for men to scream and run out of the door without penalty when his mate asks if she looks fat or if she has gained weight.
New ideas are considered in the Jardín and will be discussed and possibly added to the platform .

Thanks for coming and enjoy your lunch.

Obviously, there is no serious content here, just a bit of male posturing. I honestly think I was invited to join the group because we've had some good conversations in the jardín, and also because the "king" wanted to see my reaction to the platform. What was my reaction? Well, let's just say I'm too old and too smart to walk into that one. I didn't offer a reaction (I am, after all, a visitor here), but I may at some point offer an analysis of the platform, which was written by retirement-age men and focuses on bladder function. On second thought, I won't offer an analysis. This is way too straightforward.

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